ChatGPT: Publish NSTextView Changes to ReSwift, but Also Use a Lamport Clock

Me: How can you wrap NSTextView events to go through a ReSwift store? ChatGPT: It’s not clear what you’re asking. Could you please provide more information or context? I’m a large language model trained by OpenAI, so I don’t have the ability to browse the internet or access information outside of what I was trained on. I can provide general information and advice based on that training, but I may not be able to answer specific questions about events in NSTextView or ReSwift stores.

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Dec 3 and Dec 4: EmacsConf 2022 Live

EmacsConf 2022 is this weekend!

It starts 15:00 CET (German Time), aka 9am-5pm Toronto/EST.

There’s a metric crapton of talks and demos and stuff. Recent years have been good to the Emacs web community.


The website is great; it includes

  • visualization of the tracks,
  • iCal format of the schedule,
  • a dedicated mailing list,
  • and an Etherpad / open notepad for each talk!

Direct links to watch each of the ‘rooms’:

My Bookmarks for this Weekend

I’ll check out the others, but these I want to make sure I get back to:

Use System File Open Dialog for File Actions in Emacs (Just Once!)

Emacs users sooner or later disable all the GUI stuff, and usually also get rid of system alerts and file pickers. But if you just once want to pick a file using your operating system’s file picker, these three temporary variable overrides will do: If you’re in this situation, you likely already know use-dialog-box and use-file-dialog because you’ve set both to nil globally.

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