NSTextView (Plain Text) and the Pasteboard: PasteboardType.string Is Not Handled

For a plain text (not rich text/RTF) NSTextView, I found that: Since NSTextView doesn’t understand the NSPasteboard.PasteboardType.string pasteboard type for reading or writing, I tried two approaches to handle plain text input (pasting) and output (cut/copy): The backport seems to work, but extending supported types sounds like more robust solution.

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Example of High Cohesion and Low Coupling with Presenter, View, and View Model

Here’s a short definition of the two terms: Cohesion is about how well elements within a module belong together and serve a common purpose. Coupling is about how much one module depends or interacts with other modules. Thus, cohesion is an intra-module concern whereas coupling cuts across modules [aka inter-module].


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How to Fix When Some Text Changes Don’t Come with Automatic Undo?

When you work with NSTextView and happen to use insertText(_:) to programmatically insert text, you get an undoable action for free. This might give the impression you get undo/redo functionality for free. Eventually, you’ll notice how other changes don’t have an affordance in the “Edit” menu. While it’s possible to get “Undo Typing” and “Undo Set Color” from some function calls, it’s not possible to get “Undo Change Text Attributes” when you use NSTextStorage.addAttributes(_:range:).

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Reactive Code is Sequentially Cohesive

Reactive, declarative code is sequentially cohesive: you have a sequence of events and reactions to events, and it’s pieces are tied together real close. The processing chain itself is then a function or feature of the app. The chain of operators is a thing itself; the step-by-step transformation is then reified into a sequence in one place: it has a beginning, an end, a sequential order of steps.

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