XCTestExpectation via NSPredicate Is On a Slow Interval, Use This Instead

You and I are probably pretty familiar with the XCTestExpectations helper expectation(description:) that we can .fulfill() in an async callback, and then wait in the test case for that to happen. When you have neither async callbacks or notifications handy from which you can create test expectations, then there’s a NSPredicate-based version, too. Like all NSPredicates, it works with key–value-coding, or with block-based checks. These run periodically to check if the predicate resolves to “true”.

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NSSavePanel Crashes on Big Sur for public.csv UTI When You Don’t Have a CSV Editor

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Was working on an export sheet today and during testing on Big Sur, I noticed that the button that would bring up the save panel would produce a beachball for a while, and then I’d get an error dialog telling me that the panel crashed. I changed the NSSavePanel.allowedFileTypes property to ["public.csv"] during this update, and that trips up the save panel on Big Sur. Note that ["csv"] works just fine.

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