Why the Selection Changes When You Do Syntax Highlighting in a NSTextView and What You Can Do About It

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On iOS, this does maybe not happen at all, but when you want to write syntax highlighting code for macOS apps, copying together stuff from around the web, you’ll end up with broken application behavior. In short: when you type and the attributes of the line change, the insertion point is moved to the end of the line. That sucks.

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Blogs Merged Back Into One

I have migrated blog posts I published at cleancocoa.com over the past months back to this place. It was nice hosting the project on GitHub Pages, but in the end I never really wanted to post articles elsewhere. The original problem of my web imperium still persists: on this personal page, both my coding stuff and my software need a hub. A proper next step is to create a better website index to direct casual visitors, I guess, and improve the website navigation.

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