The Swift Developer’s Cookbook Review

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Although I knew there’s a “cookbook” book series, I haven’t read any of these before I read Erica Sadun’s The Swift Developer’s Handbook. The code listings are called “recipes”, and most of the time rightly so: I bet I copied about a dozen of the recipes into my own handy code snippet index to extend Swift’s capabilities with super useful things like safe Array indexes.

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5 Heuristics for “I have a complicated nested view controller setup. How do I handle passing data?”

That’s a recent question from the comments put in my own words. A view model that encapsulates the display state sounds promising at first. But when you don’t have a simple view that displays one thing, how do you model that in code? How do you model a sequence of view controllers, for example a more complex checkout process?

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Swift Selector Syntax Sugar

The gist of the article is that we can omit the verbose #selector syntax by adding a convenience property:

private extension Selector {
    static let buttonTapped = 
button.addTarget(self, action: .buttonTapped, 
    forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside)

I’d make that not private but internal and group these in a struct to separate them from other Selector stuff:

extension Selector {
    // One for each view module ...
    struct Banana {
        static let changeSizeTapped = 

    struct Potato {
        static let peelSelected = 

// ...

button.addTarget(self, action: .Potato.peelSelected, 
    forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside)

Great tip!

Blocks: Useful to Perform Actions In Context

Something short and sweet I want to share with you because I love how it reads: restoringSelection is a function that takes a block and performs whatever the block does while restoring the current selection in a table view (here: NSTableView). Here’s the implementation. The resulting code from above reads so much nicer than querying selection() first and restoring it afterwards. It communicates very clearly that some state from before will be preserved (or restored).

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VIPER by Experience: How to Set Up an iOS Project

Found a very detailed article about how a team implemented VIPER in their iOS project written by Michał Wojtysiak & Bartłomiej Woronin.

They discuss general project architecture, using tools to generate module files, and how passing data from one Wireframe to another works in their app.

I haven’t used VIPER in an iOS app, yet, but I used the concept in the Word Counter. There, nothing’s disposed after setup, so I have all Wireframes and their components setup once upon launch. The authors use Wireframes as factories for view controllers.

A Note about Syncing Changes: Where to Handle Sync Events

Further down, under “How to deal with listening changes from backend?”, the authors show how synchronization changes take effect.

  • The SynchronizerService merges changes into the Core Data stack,
  • the Core Data Stack sends a notification,
  • the Interactor receives the notification,
  • and changes are then pushed through the Presenter to the View.

This works, but I find the decision to be weird. Now the Interactor prepares data when requested and pushes changes upon synchronization events.

Usually, the Presenter is created in such a way that it both presents data to the view and handles events from the view. You can split this into two objects, let’s say Presenter and EventHandler. Then it becomes clear that the EventHandler can deal with events both from UI interaction and from syncing. It’s the best fit to translate any event into a command for the Interactor so it does its job.

How I Toggle or Switch 2 NSMenuItems from the Main Menu

I thought it’d be straigthforward and simple to make a NSMenuItem from the main menu implement a toggle – be it a checkmark or switching “Show X” with “Hide X” conditionally. Turns out that’s not quite as simple as I had hoped. Cocoa bindings would work but make things complicated. Most stuff on the web uses view tags to find items in menus. That’s not my favorite solution for anything. menuNeedsUpdate wasn’t called when I had hoped it would, either. So I tried a few different setups and settled with a boring and verbose way to switch “Show X” and “Hide X” depending on a boolean flag the current NSDocument window exposes.

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Announcing TableFlip

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I’d like to officially announce my next project: TableFlip. Open any Markdown file with TableFlip and you can visually edit the tabular data included. Save and the Markdown file is updated. It’s that simple. It’s also Markdown-aware simple table data editing app. It’s fast and lean and pretty. No need to fire up monstrosities like Excel for Mac or even Apple’s own Numbers to edit simple data that naturally fits the 2D-arrangement of a table.

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How to Create Fixture Files for Unit Tests

This is mostly a reminder for my future self: It doesn’t suffice to create a TXT file and add it to the target in the file inspector (⌘⌥1) to be able to read it as part of the bundle. You also have to drag it into the “Copy Bundle Resource” build phase of the target so it get, well, bundled into the product. (In my case, it was the test target.)

screenshot of Xcode
The .md file was part of the test target but loading it from the NSBundle failed until I added it to the proper Build Phase
  1. Create an empty file or add an existing file to the target’s group in Xcode and make it part of the proper target,
  2. drag it into “Copy Bundle Resources” build phase,
  3. load it using NSBundle(forClass: TheTestCase.self).URLForResource("filename", withExtension: "txt").

Storing PLIST or JSON files for structured data works just as well. I happen to require plain text flavors most of the time and always wonder why the loading fails for a couple of minutes.

Creating a Lens for an Object to Provide a New Public Interface

I’m back from my vacation and very deep into programmin already. Before I left, my subconscious mind brought up the notion of a Lens (functional programming) while I was modelling tabular data in Swift and I think this is a very cool approach to keep value types clean and easy to test. I use lenses in my current project to provide a specialized interface to operate with the table. The lenses provide access to column and row iterators, independent of the table’s underlying data structure. This way the table doesn’t have to worry about all this stuff.

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