Functional Error Handling in Swift Without Exceptions

In Swift, there’s no exception handling or throwing. If you can’t use exceptions for control flow like you would in Java, what else are you going to do if you (a) write library code which executes a failing subroutine, and (b) you find unwrapping optionals too cumbersome? I played with the thought of keeping Swift code clean, avoiding the use of optionals, while maintaining their intent to communicate failing operations.

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Thinking in Terms of Functional Programming Encourages Clean Factoring of Code

Chris Eidhof provided an excellent example for creating a mini Swift networking library. It executes simple requests and can be extended to work with JSON (or XML, if you must) without any change. The accompanying talk is worth watching, too. You should check it out to see well-factored Swift code in action. It’s a great example.

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